American Standard Version

January 23, 2016


Twelve digital copies are reviewed:

4137 non-identical verses are identified. Two-third of the discrepancies are related to punctuation and case. The other 1/3 are due to inserted or missing words, spelling errors, or word variations. Detailed comparison data is shown in the table section below.

Detailed Comparison

The American Bible Society appears to use the same source as YouVersion and; YouVersion also contains the erroneous letter "p" at the end of Nehemia 3:14, not found in


The website contains many different file formats. This comparison includes the .TXT and .XML VPL (Verse-Per-Line) copies. These files are identical.

Study Bible does not include apostrophes as in wife's, and brother's. Wifes and brothers does simply not have the same meaning. Psalms show the complete introduction of the next Psalm at the end of the previous Psalm. It is disappointing that what looks like a quality website allows poor content on it.

StudyLight is virtually identical to BlueLetter, except for the following typos:
YouVersion (or had some major outages in past, but these have been corrected. YouVersion content is now identical to the eBible content, except for: The Zefania XML file is of the lowest quality, is mostly identical to StudyLight and contains the following errors: misses Job 17:1-3

ChurchSoftware .XML file has a formatting error in Luke 11:46-47; verse 46 is incomplete and verse 47 merged with 46.

Blanks: youversion, crosswire, abs

MAT 17 26 27 27

MAT 18 34 35 35

MAT 23 38 39 39

MRK 7 36 37 37

MRK 9 48 50 50

MRK 11 32 33 33

MRK 15 46 47 47

LUK 17 36 37 37

LUK 23 55 56 56

JHN 5 46 47 47

ACT 8 39 40 40

ACT 15 40 41 41

ACT 24 26 27 27

ACT 28 30 31 31

ROM 16 26 27 27
